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2005-06-17 - 6:16 p.m.

Whoo Hoo I'm done work. I thought I might be a little sad leaving there but nope not at all. I already feel my spirits lifting by knowing I don't have to go back.

I have been tweeking my resume. I'm really not sure how to make a resume but I think I've done a good job. I'm also not sure who wants to hire an old woman like myself. Ah many of you think, 47 is not old but in the workforce it definitly is. I know even myself, I was hesitant to hire older people as, I'm sorry to all you over 40, it is harder to train people over 40. You just don't catch on as quickly as the 15 year olds. Of course your reliablity, trust factor and work ethics usually far exceed your 15-21 year old counterparts and I hope there are employers out there that will be looking for those qualities. I have a couple places I'm going to hand out resume's on Monday so wish me luck. Also wish them luck because I am in a position to be picky about whether I stay or not depending on the atmosphere. Salary isn't really a big factor with me but I do want to work somewhere where they see how valuable I am and pay me accordingly. That sounded kind of snooty didn't it. But on the other hand, I stand by it, I am a very good worker. Modest too.

Bringing Ashtyn home with me Monday so he can spend some time with his Dad and Grandma Bonnie and Grandpa Petrovic and me, I don't know what to call myself now. I'm not Grandma Gordon anymore and he never called me that anyways. Just Grandma I guess.

It is pouring rain here again. Just what we need. I hope it doesn't flood again but it is definitly a possiblity.

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